Tap Handle #820 : Oceanside Ale Works (OAW) - Orange Agave Wheat

Tap size:  11.25"

Rarity:  25 or less seen, tap no longer produced, hand-made

Mounting:  3/8" ferrule on 5/16" anchor bolt

This tap first appeared around 2013, about the same time as OAW's other 2 taps, Buccaneer Blonde (tap profile #330) and American Strong (tap profile #388). While those other taps are specific to a single beer, this tap was their "house" tap and with the ability to insert labels, could be used for any beer. A pelican sits on top of a barnacle-encrusted pier; on the front of the pier is a square signage area that is open at the top, allowing labels to slide into place. A coil of rope is under the label area, and below that is an oval sign with sculpted letters that bear the initials of the brewery, OAW. The details are excellent, as is the paint job, especially on the backside of the pier where multiple colors have been blended beautifully to obtain a real weathered look. I'm happy to have a label for this, as most of these appearing on the secondary market did not include one. There is one available on the secondary market (at the time of this writing), but prior to that you have to go back to 2021 to find one. The price range of the last few sold (again at the time of this writing) has been between $90-$100.

For more about Oceanside Ale Works, see this post.

OAW's Orange Agave Wheat was described as having an aroma of orange, honey/agave, and light pale malt, with a lightly sweet orange and agave flavor, and a light malt and a dry finish.

Ratebeer:  3.25 out of 5

Beer Advocate:  no entry



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