Tap Handle #61: Michelob - Winter's Bourbon Cask Ale

You've seen the taps for the other Michelob seasonals...Spring Heat/Sun Dog (Spring), Beach Bum (Summer), and Jack's Pumpkin Spice (Fall)...this is the Winter seasonal. It is of course from the same artist as the others, with sunglasses as a recurring theme. The tap was heavily produced and is quite common.

Winter's Bourbon was created in 2005 at Michelob's Fort Collins, Colorado brewery. It is brewed with caramel and barley malts, and aged in bourbon oak casks with vanilla beans. Recommended food pairings are lobster with peppercorn sauce, clam chowder, pork chops and applesauce, goat cheese, and toffee pudding. Weighted average on ratebeer.com is 2.49 out of 5.

Michelob's Winter's Bourbon Webpage
