Tap Handle #75: Anheuser-Busch - Shock Top Belgian White

Back in post Tap Handle #35 (found here) I talked about Spring Wheat Iced Heat going from seasonal to year-round, and the name was changed to Shock Top. Well, this is the Shock Top tap, done by the now-familiar Anheuser-Busch artist that is responsible for several taps you've seen here so far. I wasn't too crazy about this tap at first, but I've grown to like it. I have since picked up a beautiful Raspberry Shock Top, but that's a subject for another post...

Recommended food pairings are salads, chicken, and Asian cuisine. The score on ratebeer.com for Shock Top is 2.59 out of 5, the same as Spring Wheat Iced Heat (as expected).

Unlike the Michelob seasonals or Anheuser-Busch regional brews, Shock Top does in fact have its own webpage:

Shock Top Official Website



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