The Museum Turns 10 Years Old, Part 1: Site Summary and Statistics

For 10 years now I've been writing posts, telling the story of breweries and their taps. It's hard to believe I've been doing this for that long. Will I make it to 11? Nothing's concrete at this point but I'll try to post when I can find time. For now, I'll start the most boring part of the anniversary posts that celebrate the founding of the Museum and this blog: a brief look at the past year, a few thoughts about the upcoming year, and site statistics.

Things were going along okay last year, and I was preparing a tap profile and the anniversary posts, when the catastrophic event occurred that I discussed in my previous post. As a result, the numbers here are mostly unchanged from what would have been posted back in November.

Not a great number of profiles written for 2021, that's less than 2 per month. But that means the bar is set low for 2022. Even with my late start, I think I can equal or surpass 19 profiles.

The number of new breweries/brewpubs/restaurants profiled this year was actually pretty close to the results over the past several years. At least there's one positive feature that I can point to.

I didn't really obtain as many new taps as I have in the past, but 56 is still a decent haul, almost 5 per month. Covid continued to impact this to some degree, due to supply chain issues, staff shortages and shutdowns. Also, it's expected that the more taps I get, the harder it is to find ones I don't have. Additionally, I've become pretty picky on what I will buy, and what I'm willing to spend as I approach retirement and a fixed income. Finally, I lost more than a few taps from sellers that arrived damaged due to poor packaging, which would have increased this number a bit, and without Kelly around to repair taps, that is discouraging. I'll have to hope that the lessons I took from him will enable me to perform my own repairs.

This page view number is taken from the end of November, not from the current page views. The difference between 2021 and 2020 is actually about the same as the difference in the previous few years. So thanks to everyone who comes to visit the Museum!

In my next post I'll look at individual tap stats...



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