Tap Handle #41: Budweiser - Frog & Bottle

It's hard to believe I've listed 40 taps so far and this is the first Budweiser tap. There will be a lot more coming after the next 30 taps or so. Until then, enjoy the frog, which is one of my favorite Budweiser taps. This tap actually has audio and plays the "Bud-weis-er" that was made popular in commercials back in the 1990s.

Budweiser is the flagship beer of Anheuser-Busch. Adolphus Busch came to the United States from Germany in 1857 and settled in St. Louis, Missouri. He established a brewing supply house and married Lily Anheuser, whose father Eberhard would partner up with Adolphus to form Anheuser-Busch. After travelling to Europe, Busch returned to the U.S. and began brewing a light bohemian lager in 1876 that he named Budweiser. Anheuser-Busch suspended beer production during Prohibition, surviving on non-alcoholic beverage sales. After Prohibition was repealed, A-B was impacted by The Great Depression but was able to cut costs by switching to metal cans. During World War II they diverted resources to support the war effort and gave up rail space. Production boomed in the post-war era.

Budweiser is the most recognized beer in the world and outsells all other beers combined. It is a pale lager that has beechwood chips included in the fermentation process. It also includes up to 30% rice which cuts costs but makes the beer blander. It is manufactured in various breweries located around the world and benefits from heavy marketing and promotions. In Europe it is sold as "Bud" due to the fact that Busch "borrowed" the name Budweiser from a Bohemian town that owns the naming rights in Europe. Weighted average on ratebeer.com is 1.41 out of 5.

Budweiser Official Website



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