The Museum Turns Two Years Old, Part 2

In this second post marking the two year anniversary of the Museum, I'll talk about the future of the Museum - what my goals are, new features you might see, and promotional efforts.

I have some lofty goals for this coming year. I may not be able to complete them all, but I'm going to give it a shot. The following is a list of things I'd to accomplish:
  • Continue to grow the site. While the current number of page views aren't bad for a hobby blog that doesn't get posted to daily, those numbers could be better. I tripled them in one year; for the next year, I'd like to triple them again (at a minimum).
  • Maintain, or increase, the amount of taps purchased. This will largely be dependent upon my financial situation, but I have a feeling that will turn around this next year.
  • Improved photography. I'd like to take high resolution photos of taps, from multiple angles, with a more professional look. This will be quite an undertaking, as I would need to re-photograph all existing taps.
Moving on, I'm targeting certain features that I'd like to add to the Museum.
  • The first feature I'm going to tackle is an expansion of the Links section - I'll be removing the tap handle list and adding links to other great breweriana blogs.
  • Second, if I can turn the financials around, I'd like to do some kind of contest or giveaways of excess taps that I acquire (some would even be specifically bought for this purpose).
  • Adding a graphic for each tap that contains a rarity rating.
  • Finally, I may be updating the overall appearance of the site to make it more readable and user-friendly.
I think the Museum has a pretty bright future. I hope you'll stick around to see how it shakes out!



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