Tap Handle #830: Scuttlebutt - Tripel 7

Tap size:  10.25"

Rarity:  25 or less seen, hand-made, beer and tap no longer produced

Mounting:  3/8" ferrule on 5/16" anchor bolt

This is probably my favorite of the 5 Scuttlebutt taps I own. Like the Scuttlebutt Hoptopia from profile #642, it features a "toy on a stick" look, with raised and sculpted letters and little "nail heads" down the shaft of the tap. The seahorse on top, however, is pretty great. And also like Hoptopia, Tripel 7 is no longer produced by the brewery. However, these have been popping up a lot on the secondary market in recent years, with the price ultimately stabilizing into a very reasonable $20-$40 range, although currently there hasn't been one listed in over a year.

For more about Scuttlebutt, see this post.

Scuttlebutt's traditional Belgian Abbey Style Tripel has a complex fruity aroma with hints of pine and herbs. Medium bodied with notes of subtle citrus and pear, a slight perceived sweetness and almost no bitterness make this a dangerously drinkable beer. Tripel 7 is not currently produced by the brewery.

Ratebeer:  3.14 out of 5

Beer Advocate:  79 out of 100 (okay)



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